Monday, April 26, 2010

Little Thing Also A Big Deal

Living in the village, or city, whether you come from a big country that most people know or just came all the way from the small country that even you can surely pointing it on the world map. We always have the same problem and responsibility in preserving everything in our blue planet called the earth. Some people may not realize about this, but everyone must have something they can do, to atleast decrease the deterioration of the earth condition. We should properly confess that me, you, and everyone out there that" contribute" so many problem dealing by the earth and every living thing within today. Since the earth always provide us all what we need, atleast we should properly thanked and do something that may contribute to preserve the nature.

There was long time ago back at 1950th era, woman named Rachel Carson who sounding about the balance life in nature. The idea about the balance life with nature brought by Rachel seem to be so idealistic that time or even for today people may think it is. But however it is for real. The case that Rachel brought to surface about the dangerous of chemical compound (pesticide) for the environment through her book "silent spring" bring an important message of the balance life with the nature. That will not exist when human only thinking of taking everything from nature without doing anything to preserve the nature itself.

Eventhough Rachel is the first people who sounding to the public about the dangerous of pesticide that time, but she is not the first people who found the deadly impact of pesticide on natural world. What makes she different that she have a courage and faith to sound this idea to the public even that time she didn`t have any institution, politician or media that was backing behind her. She probably only think about the best way she could do with her ability that was famous as the author that time. Also the awareness of the sustainibility of the earth and all living thing within if she didn`t do anything tho that problem. It quite long struggle for her to make people aware about the chemical danger issue, but then thanks for Rachel, we now have better world that using pesticide more wisely and many people have awareness to create more ecofriendly pesticide. Eventhough in some developing country the using of dangerous chemical compound in pesticide is still happening, some of them might be aware about the dangerous but it comes to another cycling problem we couldn`t resolve yet when we talk about the economy and any other stuff.

But what I want to share to you is that seems to be cliched that we start to realize about how important to preserve the nature when we clearly see the impact around us. Many natural disasters that have already happened around decades may have warned as to shifting our mind to act more wisely for the earth sustainability. Do what you could do as who you are now, is not have to be big thing like writing a book or inventing some ecofriendly machine. Even simple thing for example using the paper more efficiently will make a big change when we could do together. Do as you can, you can contribute to the environment whoever you are now and in the future. As long as you remember that our world still the same, the human population is keep increasing day by day. If the earth is an aircraft maybe it already have so many hole today, so if you want this aircraft keep on flying what would you do?
do whatever you want and make the whole is even worse or ;
do something to fix it up so it keep on flying.
You freely to chose but personally I encourage you to do something so this aircraft will sustainable so that we and our offspring will live comfortly inside this aircraft.
Keep struggle for the brighter future.